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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Quick Thoughts

Hello one more time, humans.

We here at The Moonraker have enjoyed an evening chock full o' entertainment (around various Advertiser-related writing projects, of course). First, we caught the Prez spreading slightly less hope and change than he was a few months ago. Then, we took in a little "American Idol" -- we roll DVR style, thus the order is reverse on our viewership. Finally, we wrapped up the evening with a dose of "Tosh.0" and a late-night "Sportscenter."


  • When President Obama speaks, there's like a four-hour period in which you actually believe that things could possibly change. That gives the dudes on Fox News enough time to pick apart his speech and tell you why what he said was borderline communist, and it gives the guys over MSNBC time to dissect it and tell you why what he said was pure, unadulterated genius. It's a shame we'll never again get a truly original thought or feeling from most American voters. I have a feeling that we wouldn't be nearly so angry and hateful in this country if we didn't have these people telling us we should be.
  • I'm not sure why, but just watching Nancy Pelosi is incredibly annoying. Maybe it's that she seems to be trying waaaayyyy too hard to act natural.
  • I have no idea how good Ellen will be hosting on Idol, but she'll have to be rather awesome to top Neil Patrick Harris, who filled in as a guest judge on Wednesday's show. Funny, witty, assertive and not annoying. Harris, who is awesome as Barney Stinson (Suit Up!) on "How I Met Your Mother," was equally fantastic at judging. Joe Jonas, on the other hand, could have given the same performance asleep. Not that I'm complaining. I got exactly what I want out of all the Jonas brothers -- quiet.
  • Daniel Tosh -- and yes, I'm aware that 90 percent of you have no idea who he is and have never watched "Tosh.0" -- is one of the funniest men on TV. If you're easily offended, he's not your guy. But if you like inappropriate jokes and funny/obscene Internet clips, this is your guy. It's on Wednesday nights at 9. (And since it's a Comedy Central production, it's replayed roughly 2,322 times throughout the week.)
  • Gilbert Arenas is insane. How do you go from a nobody to a $111 million player to an inmate in the span of a few years? Think about what this guy did. He took four guns -- FOUR GUNS -- into the Wizards locker room to play "a joke" on his good pal Javaris Crittenton. The same Javaris Crittenton who Arenas had reportedly threatened to shoot just hours earlier. He took the guns into his workplace and placed them on a chair in front of Crittenton's locker along with a note instructing him to "Pick One." And his two-fold defense is: 1. I was joking, and 2. They weren't loaded ... I think I speak for everyone when I say, Oh, well, not loaded and you were joking, well, by all means, our apologies for making such a big deal about it. Dope.
  • The NFL's decision to change up the Pro Bowl -- a game that no one has ever cared about -- is one of the dumbest decisions I've ever seen. First, who thought Miami would be a better destination than Hawaii? And who thought playing it a week before the Super Bowl, thus preventing 14 players from the Saints and Colts from playing, would be appealing to anyone? Apparently, the game is returning to its old format next year. But still, what a screwup. The line of players criticizing this year's setup includes pretty much every player involved in the game, every player not involved in the game and both fans who were planning to watch.


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